

Tree of Life baptismal font

By their fruits, you shall know them (Matthew 7:16-20):

All eight sides of the font, carved in limestone, show a flower becoming a fruit. The progress of the Christian life, which begins at Baptism, is thus shown; the soul responsive to God’s grace is known by the good fruits it produces.

annunciation capitals

The Annunciation Capitals portray the story of the Incarnation, which ends humanity’s separation from God brought on by the original sin of Adam and Eve.

SS Peter and paul

Carved in cherokee marble, Ss Peter and Paul guard the entrance of the Cathedral of Saint Joseph in Jefferson City, MO.

Diocesan Seal

Carved in limestone, the seal of the Diocese of Jefferson City, sits above the entry to the Cathedral of Saint Joseph.

The twelve Apostles

The Twelve Apostles are carved into the lintel of the Great Portal at Annunciation Abbey in Oklahoma. The lintel is ten feet wide and twenty inches tall, and is comprised of a single slab of Batesville Marble.